SCM 501 Coursework

Online Safety and Privacy

Behind emerging devices is digital technology. This is a computer, but not as everyone knows. Unlike traditional computing platforms, such as the common computing platforms used by personal computers, and Internet devices running on new proprietary firmware. While the Internet brings benefits, it also brings greater risks, because the more connected devices, the more hackers and cybercriminals have more entry points to commit crimes.

In addition, to ensure that your online security must also pay attention to the protection of passwords, scammers can use various means to scam. For example, phishing sites and spam.

In response to these scammers, we can create a separate webmail account that is not associated with other accounts. This protects your primary email account (including your bank or other sensitive personal information) from spam and other phishing attacks. Otherwise, if an account is compromised, all of your associated accounts will be at risk.

Publishing your own posts on a public platform is actually very risky. For example, your identity will be stolen by others and they will use your identity information to conduct online scams. To avoid the theft of identity information, you must learn to protect your account security.

The network operator will automatically transfer the data which you upload to the third party, so even if you delete your own information, it will still have a backup. This requires us to be cautious when uploading private information. Information about personal bank accounts and mobile phone numbers should not be published on public platforms.

Be vigilant before posting content, check the user information and applications that allow viewing of the content. When searching for problems on the Internet, don’t click on unsure security URLs. You can use strong passwords and use different passwords to keep your different accounts secure.

The privacy level you choose for yourself can increase the level of security privacy in your favorite browser settings.

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