Skin Care

Sensitive skin needs attention!

Many people are troubled by sensitive skin, especially when the seasons alternate, it is a disaster for people with sensitive skin.

In fact, sensitive skin is a problematic skin. Any skin type may be accompanied by sensitive traits, which means that you may be oily sensitive skin or dry sensitive skin. Sensitive skin is fragile and unstable, and is extremely susceptible to external stimuli.

Allergy is a form of dermatitis, which is a symptom of dermatitis caused by the reaction of external sensitizing substances in the body after antibody binding.

Allergy is a very troublesome problem for me, so today I will share some of my anti-allergic tips.

NO.1 Pay attention to diet

In fact, eating is very easy to be ignored by us. If I have sensitive symptoms on my face, I usually think of what I have eaten in the first place. According to the doctor, everyone’s allergens will be changed, and they will be very susceptible to allergies when the immunity is poor.

Usually you can eat more dairy products and fresh fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamins and strengthen the skin’s resistance. Reducing the intake of seafood and spicy foods, including wine, tea, and coffee, are all irritating foods that can aggravate allergic symptoms.

NO.2 Washing your face is very important

When changing seasons, you should not bathe and wash your face too often, otherwise the sebum film on the surface of the skin will become thinner, and allergens will be more likely to enter the skin and aggravate the symptoms.

Under normal circumstances, you can use the cleanser twice a day. It is better to use colder water when washing your face.

NO.3 To choice your skin care products

Many skin care products contain chemicals such as alcohol, which are very irritating to sensitive skin. Therefore, everyone must look at its ingredients before purchasing skin care products. The refreshing plant ingredients will be better, and should be based on mildness and moisturizing.


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SCM 501 Coursework

Online Safety and Privacy

Behind emerging devices is digital technology. This is a computer, but not as everyone knows. Unlike traditional computing platforms, such as the common computing platforms used by personal computers, and Internet devices running on new proprietary firmware. While the Internet brings benefits, it also brings greater risks, because the more connected devices, the more hackers and cybercriminals have more entry points to commit crimes.

In addition, to ensure that your online security must also pay attention to the protection of passwords, scammers can use various means to scam. For example, phishing sites and spam.

In response to these scammers, we can create a separate webmail account that is not associated with other accounts. This protects your primary email account (including your bank or other sensitive personal information) from spam and other phishing attacks. Otherwise, if an account is compromised, all of your associated accounts will be at risk.

Publishing your own posts on a public platform is actually very risky. For example, your identity will be stolen by others and they will use your identity information to conduct online scams. To avoid the theft of identity information, you must learn to protect your account security.

The network operator will automatically transfer the data which you upload to the third party, so even if you delete your own information, it will still have a backup. This requires us to be cautious when uploading private information. Information about personal bank accounts and mobile phone numbers should not be published on public platforms.

Be vigilant before posting content, check the user information and applications that allow viewing of the content. When searching for problems on the Internet, don’t click on unsure security URLs. You can use strong passwords and use different passwords to keep your different accounts secure.

The privacy level you choose for yourself can increase the level of security privacy in your favorite browser settings.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Eye Shadow Getting Started Guide!


Hello everyone, I know that many people who are just beginning to learn makeup are confused about how to paint eye shadows. But the eye shadow is a special part of the makeup. The most important thing is that there are so many good-looking eyeshadows. It is too bad to buy them without proper use!

So today I want to teach everyone how to choose eye shadow tray? How to match colors? Today’s beginner’s guide will all be included that you just learn to make up your eyes, you will not be confused, and you will have the next practice and progress.


Eyeshadow tray purchase

① It is recommended to buy from a small eye shadow tray (2~6 colors)

First of all, the small eye shadow disk is a good color because of the limited color block, so there is no error in the color matching.

The color of the big eye shadow disk is too large. It is not easy for the novice to master the color matching. For the novice, the essence of the makeup is not to be colored, but not easy to make mistakes.

② Don’t choose an eye color tray that is too much color

Because the novice’s technology is limited, it is not very easy to master the amount, the method is also relatively tender, too bright color eyeshadow will easily make your face look dirty.


Color matching

Try to choose the color of the same color, 1-3 kinds can be.

For example, it is also a brown and red eye shadow. Because their color is the same, only the brightness of the color is different. Brightness is also the color shade we usually say. In the more official concept, eye shadow is divided into base color, eye color, middle color, deep color, eyeliner color and bright color.

For example


Divided by the brightness of the color:

1, 2, 3 are light colors.

5, 6, 7, 8 are intermediate colors.

4, 10, 11, 12 are dark.

9 is a sequin color, mainly used to brighten the middle of the eyelids.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

SCM 501 Coursework

Personal Brand Introduction

I’m Zoey, a Chinese student studying at New Zealand. This blog traces my experience in makeup and the setbacks I have encountered. This blog is about makeup and how to choose the best products, I’ll share lots of products that I have used to give you a detailed assessment. Occasionally I will share some of my skin care tips to help you find the right product.


The original intention of writing this blog is very simple. I hope that through my sharing, everyone can find the right product with no longer suffer. But as my focus on beauty is getting deeper, I find that many products share the same commonality. Many people have a wrong understanding when they are choosing cosmetics, that is price can decide everything. But this is not the case. Many high-priced products do not have a good quality. On the contrary, many low-priced products are surprisingly easy to use.


I loved makeup since I was a Junior student, I always secretly use my mother’s cosmetics to make myself look good. This love for makeup has continued into my college life, and during college I started watching a variety of makeup videos on the video site to learn makeup techniques. What’s interesting is that all the makeup videos I’ve seen that teach me how to make a perfect look. I can combine all the content that my videos teach me. This is my most unique market skill.


I am a recognized girl who good at makeup in my circle of friends. My friends often want me to share the makeup information of the day, such as the color of the eyeshadow and the color of the lipstick.


My microblogging attention is not too low, some fans are willing to see me to share beauty, and I can also share my web page on my Instagram and Facebook and let my friends click to subscribe. The group I am targeting is all the girls or boys who need makeup skills. I will do my best to help them choose the right product and tell them the correct makeup steps.


My online brand will only be promoted on Instagram, Facebook and Weibo in the early days. When my brand matures, I will choose to create a special email address to receive and send messages. Offline brand promotion I may print my business card with the link of my website and any of my contact information, which will help the brand promotion.


I think that it takes a lot of effort to maintain a brand’s activity, such as continuous learning, constant purchase of new products for evaluation, and contact with famous cosmetics companies for cooperation. This is all that I need to work hard to perfect.



Thank you for reading all the way to the end.

Look forward to hearing from you.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


What is a good foundation?


🙂 For a senior foundation enthusiast, what is a good bottle of liquid foundation?


First of all, each bottle of liquid foundation has its own characteristics, and the makeup effect is different. I have a fixed dimension of my own when I rate the liquid foundation. For example, the moisturizing degree of the liquid foundation, the concealing power, the gloss and the durability, etc., are the criteria for my choice of liquid foundation.


Some people will ask me if the criteria required are not very important. I can tell you very clearly that it is really important. It’s just that each item is not absolutely good or absolutely bad. For example, the liquid control effect of a liquid foundation is particularly good, and the moisture level of this liquid foundation is usually not so good. A very glossy foundation can lose some concealing in most cases.


So, when you choose a liquid foundation, you need to think about what your needs are? Is it to make the skin whiter? Let the skin evenly cover the dull face? Or do you have acne marks on your face that need concealer?


Everyone wants to make their skin look very good. So I always think that a good liquid foundation should meet some specific needs, and it is indispensable to make your skin looks very good. In fact, in addition to acne marks and dullness, our skin has a lot of pores and texture. If a bottle of foundation can cover the pores and texture of the skin and give your face a soft focus, this is a good foundation.



Thank you for looking, have a good day! 🙂

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


How to identify your skin?

Skin quality is the basis of our choice to buy make-up products. You have to make clear your skin and skin problems so that the purchase of make-up and even the makeup product will not be a problem.


To find out what type of skin you are, the method is actually very simple.


  1. The easiest way is to leave your skin in a natural state without any skin care products or cosmetics after washing your face. Wait 1-2 hours and look in the mirror with a bright place to observe your face.
  2. If the face is normal and does not show significant reflection, then this is neutral skin. You only need to do sunscreen, hydration and oxidation work. Any makeup product recommended by a blogger will not react badly on your face.
  3. If the forehead, the sides of the nose and the cheeks can see significant reflections, then this is oily skin. Usually pay more attention to oil control, hydration and cleaning work, and liquid foundation I would suggest that you choose oil control effect is better.
  4. If you feel the face is tight, there will be roughness and dander, then this is dry skin. Such skin must pay attention to the hydration work in the usual time. Before applying the liquid foundation, you can use some primercream to ensure the foundation’s conformability.
  5. If there is a slight reflection on both sides of the forehead and the nose, the cheeks are slightly tight, then this is a combination skin.


Of course, the skin is not a constant thing, and the skin will change due to factors such as stress in life.

Even the best skin quality will have potential skin problems, so be sure to do a moisturizing job before makeup and be sure to do a comprehensive makeup removal before going to bed.


Hope you guys can have a great skin condition. Have a great day 🙂

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Needs To Know

It’s About Me And My Blog


Hello everyone, whatever how you are, I’m very happy and grateful that you are willing to click into my blog.


So, let me introduce myself first that everyone can understand me and know why I want to write this blog. This blog is about make up and how to choose the best products, I’ll share lots of products that I have used to give you a detailed assessment. Occasionally I will share some of my skin care tips to help you find the right product.


I’m Zoey, a Chinese student studying at New Zealand. My personal skin is combination, so my demand for cosmetics is also relatively broad. I live in a seaside city in China, the air is very humid, so the requirements for skin hydration are not too high. However, after arriving in New Zealand, my skin had serious problems due to the change of the country, such as dry skin and acne.


The original intention of writing this blog is very simple. I hope that through my sharing, everyone can find the right product with no longer suffer. But as my focus on beauty is getting deeper, I find that many products share the same commonality. Many people have a wrong understanding when they are choosing cosmetics, that is price can decide everything. But this is not the case. Many high-priced products do not have a good quality. On the contrary, many low-priced products are surprisingly easy to use.


So, in my blog I don’t particularly recommend expensive cosmetics, because I think quality is the most important.


Don’t know how many little girls want to learn makeup but don’t know where to start. How many little girls have wasted a lot of money because they don’t know what to buy. How many little girls have bought a bunch of things that are not suitable for themselves.


Don’t know how to buy cosmetics, how to choose the right products, I don’t know how to make makeup, what should I do? At this time, if you click into my blog, you will find that you can do a lot of homework less. You can refer to the blog I sent out and choose to learn from your own skin temperament in combination with your own conditions!


For the beauty lovers, I am also a student. The most hope is not to take detours and use cheap and easy-to-use cosmetics!! I also want to know about skin care, know how to become beautiful, and find products that are suitable for students to buy.


Becoming a beauty blogger can be said to play, but if I want to do well, I must have a strong passion for things like makeup and skin care. Because I know that the last post of the article that I did not care about, whether the video I shot is attractive or not, is related to my own attitude.


If you have any ideas or questions to ask me, you can leave your question in the comments section and I will respond promptly. In addition, you can find my Weibo and ins links on my blog. Welcome to click these two social media to pay attention to my life.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.